#WorkLifeWeek: stress-busting tips for female entrepreneurs

october wellbeing Oct 15, 2021

This week is Working Families' #WorkLifeWeek, and as a network of business-owning women we think it’s a brilliant initiative! 

The campaign encourages those of us who are employers to share how we are supporting our employees with families to have flexibility in their work, and inspire others to do the same. So if you're an employer as a business owner, is this something you can get behind?

At Inspire, many of our members are women who have chosen to leave employment due to a desire to increase their flexibility to be parents, carers and enjoy freedom in how and when they work. But often the reality is that growing a business can cause us to work longer hours than we did before and to feel that the juggle is even harder!

So we thought we'd share some tips today to manage the stress that can sometimes come from trying to grow a business. 


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Staying motivatedĀ inĀ autumnĀ 

october wellbeing Oct 02, 2021

October is here! And there's a chill in the air, even when the weathers' nice.

Summer feels like a fast-fading memory, while winter looms on the horizon, and creatures from the humblest hedgehog to the mightiest bear are preparing for hibernation.

It’s tempting to follow their lead, bury ourselves in a warm cocoon until the days get longer again... but no! We’re business owners, and we know that autumn is another season and therefore another opportunity for growth! 

So, how to stay motivated during autumn? 

In this blog we’re going to talk about keeping the ball rolling even as the nights get longer and the leaves abandon their place on the trees!

Create your own festivities
With Christmas still months away, we know that many of our members can feel like this part of the year is a little empty, maybe even lonely, without events to look forward to and celebrate. This is why we recommend making your own ...

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